2018-2019 Sun Valley Center for the Arts Annual Impact Report

    As the Executive Director of the Sun Valley Center for the Arts, I am proud to share our 2018-2019 Annual Impact Report with you and provide a snapshot of the smiles, inspiration and joy you bring to the Wood River Valley through your support of this organization. When I think about the meaning of the word impact, I think of the last 12 months of extraordinary arts experiences that you made possible. Our entire community benefits from your commitment to the arts. NONE of the programs included in this report would have taken place without your participation and generosity.

    I walk away from every Sun Valley Center for the Arts event I attend feeling both inspired and impressed.

    Under the leadership of Producing Artistic Director Scott Palmer, Company of Fools is doing extraordinary work and providing a growing series of enriching educational opportunities.

    The museum is in overdrive, with distinctive exhibitions that are gaining national attention thanks to the efforts of Artistic Director Kristin Poole and Curator of Visual Arts Courtney Gilbert.

    Both our summer and winter concert series SOLD OUT EVERY SINGLE SHOW thanks to the talents of Kristine Bretall, Director of Performing Arts, who meticulously labors to bring new and exciting artists to Idaho.

    And the strength of our education and humanities team, under the leadership of Director of Education and Humanities Katelyn Foley, is apparent in their dedication to K–12 education, life-long learning opportunities for adults, and new programs designed to serve the entire community.

    Our impact through arts education has grown exponentially over the last three years, and we are actively looking at new ways to meet the needs of our creative community through special programs and experiences for all.

    As you consider your charitable giving at year end, please think deeply about your experiences with the Sun Valley Center for the Arts and what this organization brings to our community. Life is richer in our valley because of your support.

    With gratitude,
    Christine Davis-Jeffers
    Executive Director
    Sun Valley Center for the Arts

    2018-2019 IMPACT REPORT:
    (Fiscal Year: June 1, 2018-May 31, 2019)
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