The Center, Ketchum

    Physical Address: 191 Fifth Street East, Ketchum, ID 83340
    Mailing Address: PO Box 656 Sun Valley, ID 83353
    Main Phone & Center Box Office: 208.726.9491
    Hours: open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm,
    Saturdays in February, March, July & August, 11am-5pm
    The Center is closed on federal holidays.

    The Sun Valley Center for the Arts is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. Just 5% of all museums in the US (including four other museums in Idaho) earn AAM accreditation.


    The Center’s museum and staff offices are located in Ketchum at the corner of Washington Avenue and Fifth Street, one block west of Main Street. Admission to The Center’s museum is always free.

    The Center originates five to six visual arts exhibitions each year. The Center does not have a permanent collection but focuses its exhibitions on contemporary themes and ideas of relevance to the community and the region. Center exhibitions are curated by Center staff and focus on contemporary art, although many are grounded in and include a historical component. The majority of the Center’s exhibitions are part of multidisciplinary BIG IDEA projects that explore ideas or concepts relevant to our times and of interest to our community. BIG IDEA projects (of or relating to the study of one topic, involving several subject disciplines) include visual arts exhibitions, music/performing arts, Company of Fools theatre, family days and talks by leading thinkers and authors.

    The Center’s curators and trained volunteers conduct free evening exhibition tours throughout the year. Visit our Events Calendar to view upcoming events. To arrange a tour by appointment (in English or Spanish) please call 208.726.9491 in advance of your visit.

    The Center is open until 7pm during Gallery Walks sponsored by the Sun Valley Gallery Association. Start your gallery walk at The Center—it’s the First Place to Be!

    Small lectures, performances and some classes are also held at our Ketchum facility.

    Kids and families are welcome! Come look, think and play together!

    CLICK HERE to learn more about kids and families activities at The Center!