Artist Information

    The exciting future of the Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival:

    This past summer 2018 we celebrated the 50th year of the Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival. This 50th anniversary marks a milestone in our history—one of which we are very proud. It is also a great time to look to the future. After compiling the results of our membership survey and much internal discussion, Center leadership decided this was the appropriate time to find a new producer for this event so that we are able to focus more deeply on our mission and why we are part of this community—to provide transformative arts and educational experiences. After celebrating 50 years, we will pass on the Arts & Crafts Festival to our friend and colleague, Art Daves.

    2019 Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival
    August 9th-11th, 2019
    Atkinson Park, Ketchum, Idaho

    For more information:

    Artist Information—2019 Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival

    December 1, 2018: Application becomes available 
    February 28, 2019: Application deadline
    August 9-11, 2019: 51st Annual Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival

    Click here for details.

    PLEASE NOTE: No dogs are allowed at the festival. We love our pets, too, but it’s a park rule. Along with no smoking. Thank you for your cooperation.