Bright Half Life

    SEPTEMBER 27 – OCTOBER 14, 2017
    at the Liberty Theatre

    By Tanya Barfield
    Direction by Ilana Becker


    Bright Half Life is a stunningly human and humorous depiction of a life in love. In Tanya Barfield’s nonlinear, intimate play, Vicky and Erica navigate the peripatetic present through a lifetime of courtship and marriage, kids and parents, death and divorce, Ferris wheels and skydiving, in a moving story that spans decades in an instant.


    Liz Morgan    Sophie Hassett


    Tanya Barfleld


    Stage Management
    Scenic Design
    Lighting Design
    Sound Design
    Production Assistant

    Ilana Becker
    K.O. Ogilvie*
    Joe Lavigne
    Mike Inwood**
    Emma Wilk**
    Chris Henderson


    “Romantic! Virtuosic! For sheer loveliness,
    you won’t surpass Tanya Barfield’s exquisite BRIGHT HALF LIFE.”

    —Time Out New York

    “Profound—a well-written, engaging portrayal
    of smart women finding themselves, and each other.”

    —The New Yorker

    “Shows the volatility in a long-term partnership, the joy and desolation,
    the hurt and help—all intermingled, all at once.”

    —The New York Times

    Recommended for ages 13 and up. Contains some strong language.


    Wednesday, Sept. 27……….7PM    “Pay What You Feel Night”   
    Thursday, Sept. 28……….7PM    JPC Night & Second Night 22  ($22 Tickets)
    Friday, Sept. 29……….8PM    “Educators Night”
    Saturday, Sept 30……….8PM
    Wednesday, Oct. 4……….7PM
    Thursday, Oct. 5……….7PM
    Friday, Oct. 6……….8PM
    Saturday, Oct. 7……….8PM
    Sunday, Oct. 8……….3PM    “Chat Back/ Backstage Tour”
    Wednesday, Oct. 11……….7PM
    Thursday, Oct. 12……….7PM
    Friday, Oct. 13……….8PM
    Saturday, Oct. 14……….8PM



    $35 member / $40 nonmember / $35 senior (62 and over) / $15 student (with student ID) / $35 group (8 or more) / “Second Night 22” $22 Full Price (new for 2017-2018 season)

    *Ticket prices do not include taxes or processing fees.

    These ticket prices do not include the “Pay What You Feel” preview, 10 for $10, and Educator Night. There is also a SPECIAL GROUP RATE – groups of 8 or more receive $35 tickets (a $5 savings, per ticket, if you are not a Center member!)

    Click on the “Buy Tickets” link above to select individual performance dates and the number of seats you’d wish to purchase or call us 208.578.9122 – we’re happy to help!


    Learn, explore and have fun with Company of Fools. Take advantage of some interesting ways to engage with theatre and the current performance on a deeper level:

    “Pay What You Feel” Night – Wed, Sept 27, 7pm

    Join us for the first performance of Bright Half Life and literally pay whatever you’d like! Tickets go on sale at the Liberty Theatre box office one hour prior to the performance. There are no reserved seats. Simply buy your ticket, find a seat and enjoy the show. If you’d prefer to reserve your seats, you may also purchase your tickets at full price for this performance.

    “Second Night 22” ($22 Tickets) NEW–in honor of the 22nd season – Thu, Sep 28, 7pm

    New for 2017-2018  for the second night of every mainstage production all tickets are $22 dollars – in honor of the 22nd season!

    “Educators Night” – Fri, Sep 29, 7pm

    $15 tickets are available to currently employed educators and school administrators for this designated night. These tickets may be purchased in advance. Limit two per person. Immediately following the performance, stay for a thought-provoking and fun discussion with the artists of Bright Half Life.

    “Post-Show Chat Back/Backstage Tour” – Sun, Oct 8, 3pm (immediately following show)

    Immediately following the performance, stay for a thought-provoking and fun discussion with the artists of Bright Half Life and enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour of the design elements that went into creating the show with COF’s resident set designer Joe Lavigne.

    “10 for 10″

    Ten seats are sold for $10 each, on each night, at the box office starting one hour prior to the performance. Limit two tickets per person.

    Click here for Theater FAQs


    Company of Fools’ 22nd season sponsors are Anonymous, The Shubert Foundation, Carr Foundation, Linda & Bob Edwards, Ken Lewis, Scott Miley Roofing, Priscilla Pittiglio, Linda & Bill Potter, Mary Ann & John Underwood, Barbara & Stanley Zax and media sponsor The Weekly Sun

    *Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Actors’ Equity Association (“Equity”), founded in 1913, is the U.S. labor union that represents more than 50,000 actors and stage managers. Equity seeks to foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of society and advances the careers of its members by negotiating wages, working conditions and providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. Actors’ Equity is a member of the AFL-CIO and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. #EquityWorks
    **Member of United Scenic Artists, I.A.T.S.E. Local 829