Kids & Families

    Come look, think and play together!

    The Sun Valley Center for the Arts is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums and provides opportunities for families living in or visiting the Wood River Valley to engage with high-quality contemporary and historic artwork.  

    Come back for a new engaging experience again and again!

    The visual arts exhibitions change five to six times a year and feature artwork by nationally and internationally known artists that have relevance to ideas and issues of our time.

    Did you know that a 2014 University of Arkansas study determined that visits to museums where emphasis is placed on looking at and talking about the art creates a stronger link to history and empathy in students?

    Plan for Success…

    Things to know before you visit The Center:

    Families are welcome!

    Food, drink and gum are not allowed in the museum. It’s always a good idea to plan your visit around meal and nap time so that your family is comfortable and ready to explore.   

    Talk with your children about how it’s important not to touch the art and to keep a safe distance between your body and a piece of artwork.  Leaning on cases, pedestals and walls is not safe or allowed.

    We encourage looking and talking! Your family doesn’t have to be silent but please remember to be respectful of other people in the museum space.

    While you are at The Center:

    You do not need to know everything about the art, the artist or the theme.

    We want children to feel confident and curious—let them lead the discussion and ask questions.

    Pick up a Young Visitors Guide (available at the museum front desk) to guide you through the exhibition. 

    Questions to ask during your visit:

    • What do you see going on in this picture?
    • What makes you say that?
    • What do you think a good title for this art would be? The art has named it ______(read title). Why do you think it’s called that?
    • Does this remind you of anything you have seen before? Why or why not?

    Include time to hang out in our MAKER SPACE—the theme of which changes to correspond with each visual arts exhibition—and create, play, imagine and have fun together! Ask your children what connections the activities have to what you saw the exhibition.

    After your visit:

    Discuss with your children what they saw and remember from their visit.

    • What was the most interesting piece of art they saw?  Why is that?
    • What was the most beautiful?  What makes you say that?
    • Have your children draw what they saw at The Center and tell you about their drawing
    • Share with your friends how much fun your family had and invite them to join you next time you visit!