Professional Artist Residencies

    A fundamental part of The Center’s mission is to work in partnership with local schools to inspire students’ curiosity and develop their skills in improvisation,, self-expression and critical thinking. Residency programs are offered 2–5 times annually and impact thousands of students every year. Through classroom residencies and performances with renowned musicians, performers and authors, The Center makes it a priority to bring world-class artists and scholars to even the youngest members of our community.

    Artist Residencies are a vital part of our K–12 outreach. By offering opportunities for students to engage with film, world music and contemporary dance, we provide access to a variety of artistic forms.

    Recent Professional Artist Residencies

    Brett Dennen at Community School:
    January 2017

    2017 Brett Dennen Artist Residency at Community School

    Sharron Matthews at Wood River Middle School & High School:
    September 2016

    2016 Sharron Matthews In-School Residency at WRHS

    Dala at Wood River High School:
    November 2015

    2015 Dala In School Residency

    Black Violin at Wood River High School:
    October 2015

    Portland Cello Project at Wood River High School:
    October 2014

    Okadja & Shokoto at Pioneer Montessori School:
    October 2013

    Okaidja at Pioneer Montessori School

    October 2012


    Sweet Plantain:
    March 2011

    Sweet Plantain at Bellevue Elementary