Learn the magic of nuno felting by creating your own nuno felt scarf. Felting, the most ancient textile, is created by agitating wool with only hands, soap and water. Nuno felting, a modern take on felting, combines sheer silk to wool through similar felting process, offering rich textures and design elements.
There are endless possibilities for your design as you are guided through the felt creation process. Explore and un-tap your creative genius with this incredible medium! This beginner felt class explores the basics of nuno felting, fiber and felt design. No experience in felting is necessary.
Jenny Hill is a felt artist, creating high-quality wearable art that is one-of-a-kind and luxurious. Using an ancient textile method, felting, she bonds natural fibers together using only hand-friction, soap and water. Felting with methods passed down from antiquity, she creates durable, artful wear that is sustainable and truly unique—each piece is meticulously custom crafted and never repeated. For more information on Jenny visit her website at www.jhillfelt.com.
This class takes place on Wed, Oct 7 from 5:30-8:30pm.