The Center and Idaho Basecamp invite people of all ages to share a story involving food—growing, sharing, preparing or eating it—with the theme “Gather Around.” How does food create connection and bring us together? What are our stories from the dining table? Gathering for a meal is a foundation for conversation and cementing relationships (even if sometimes fraught with conflict). Let’s laugh, commiserate and consider together how what we eat and how we eat it can nourish (or diminish) our shared experience of food, family and community.
Invited guest storytellers include local farmers and food growers. Stories will be limited to 5 minutes. Mat Gershater of Idaho Basecamp and the Humming Bull will be the night’s host. All ages are welcome. Those who would like to tell stories should arrive before 5:50 to sign in.
Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project At the Table: Kitchen as Home.