John C. Glenn Legacy Fund

    The Sun Valley Center for the Arts and Company of Fools are delighted to announce that the stage at the Liberty Theatre will be renamed in honor of beloved Artistic Director, JOHN C. GLENN. In 2017, under John’s tenure, the Sun Valley Center for the Arts was gifted the Liberty Theatre so Company of Fools could have a permanent home. The Liberty Theatre was John’s home away from home, and he quietly spent many hours at the Liberty working into the night to ensure the quality of the work that was produced in this theatre. We are so pleased that John’s grace, humor, passion, and commitment to the Fools will live on, here, in this place that he loved.

    In addition, with a generous lead gift in John’s memory, the Sun Valley Center for the Arts and Company of Fools are establishing the John C. Glenn Legacy Fund dedicated to restoring the Liberty Theatre so that the John C. Glenn Stage will continue to inspire future generations of theatre-goers. As the Sun Valley Center for the Arts and Company of Fools continue to explore the scope and cost of the Liberty Theatre refurbishment, we hope that, together, those who loved John and his legacy will help us raise 25% of total costs of the project in his name.


    First, what is the purpose of the John C Glenn Legacy Fund? 

    The purpose of the fund is to support the physical, structural, and programmatic needs of The Liberty Theatre. That might include repairs to the roof, replacing equipment, general refurbishment and upgrades, or any of a hundred other possible needs that this grand old lady might require of us. But more than that, this fund, when it is successful, will lay the foundation for the larger and more transformative needs of The Liberty. Things like expanded lobby space, new restrooms, a donor and founder’s lounge upstairs, new lighting and sound equipment, and new theatre seating, among others. 

    Second, how much will that all cost? 

    The simple answer to that is we just don’t know, but we do know how to find out. The process of assessing the needs of The Liberty Theatre is actually very straightforward. The first step is to engage an architecture firm to assess the building and create what is called “a scope of work.” That scope of work involves a range of different experts; structural engineers, lighting and sound experts, contractors, theatre consultants, architects, and more—who come to the Valley, spend a few weeks getting to know the bones of this building, talking with the Fools and The Center about our hopes for The Liberty, and then providing us with the details on what is possible, how much that will cost, and how long it might take. 

    Our best guess is that the total costs of a renovation of The Liberty Theatre will be in the $3 million range; but that is just a best guess and we really need experts in the field, with knowledge of historic buildings and historic performing arts spaces specifically, to roll up their sleeves and give us the detail we need. What we also know is that the cost of that Scope of Work will be $60,000. 

    Third, how much do we hope to raise for the John C Glenn Legacy Fund? 

    We simply don’t have enough information at this time to give you a specific goal. Our hope is that the Legacy Fund, with the generous support of people who love John and want to honor his legacy, will be at least 25% of the total costs of the refurbishment. With an overall price tag of $3 million, that would be $750,000. Having said all of that, and with the numbers still up in the air, we know we need $60,000 to complete the Scope of Work. We are just too early in the process to give you more than our best heartfelt guess. 

    Fourth: Given all of this, why are you launching the Legacy Fund now, if you aren’t sure how much you need to raise? 

    The answer to that question is very simple, too: It was time. It was time to honor John and, with the input of R.L., Denise, the Fools, and The Center, we made the decision that the two year anniversary of John’s passing was the time. It is important to all of us that this community knows we remember. We remember, and we will make sure every patron who walks through these doors will know the role that John played in this remarkable, unique place. In addition to honoring John, it is also time to honor John’s wishes, his hopes and dreams, for The Liberty. Naming the stage after John meets our first goal, and the launch of the Legacy Fund is the first step towards meeting our second goal. 

    Fifth: How can I make a donation? 

    You can make a donation in a number of ways: Send a check, made out to the Sun Valley Center for the Arts, and indicate that the donation is for the John C Glenn Legacy Fund. Checks can be mailed to the Sun Valley Center for the Arts, PO Box 656, Sun Valley, ID 83353

    To make a donation via our website CLICK HERE.

    All gifts are 100% tax deductible.

    If you would like to discuss larger gifts, leading gifts, multi-year gifts, or gifts of stocks, please contact:

    Scott Palmer
    Producing Artistic Director, Company of Fools

    Christine Davis-Jeffers
    Executive Director
    208-726-9491 x120.