Junior Patrons Circle

    The Junior Patrons Circle (JPC) is a special group of young(ish) adults dedicated to fostering passion for arts and culture in our community and furthering the goals of the Sun Valley Center for the Arts. By hosting events and educational activities and informing other young adults and their families about The Center, the Junior Patrons Circle seeks to involve the next generation in The Center’s programs and develop future advocates for the arts in our community.

    If you’re between the ages of 21 and 40ish (or feel like you are!) and would enjoy social gatherings and unique events with other art & culture enthusiasts, become a member or sign up to receive the Junior Patrons Circle emails.

    Become a JPC Member! ($60/year or just $5/month)
    CLICK HERE to join!

    When you become a JPC member, you help support the next generation of art advocates in the Wood River Valley.

    JPC Members enjoy the following benefits*:

    • Invitation to all JPC Events
    • Advance purchase of Paint & Sip tickets
    • Advance purchase of Bubbly Bash tickets
    • Discounts on classes
    • Discounts on tickets to program events (limited to two per event)
    • Advance purchase of concert series tickets
    • Advance notice by mail/email about programs, calendar of events and classes
    • Invitation to the annual membership celebration
    • Recognition in the Annual Report
    • NEW this year, an invitation to our pre-summer concert reception at the new Boho Lounge.

    Membership become effective immediately and expire after one year on the last day of the month of contribution

    Click here to sign up to receive emails on upcoming JPC events and activities.