Life Sucks

    Now opening JULY 6 – 19, 2017
    at the Liberty Theatre

    By Aaron Posner
    Co-direction by John Glenn & Ilana Becker

    From the mind of award-winning playwright Aaron Posner comes a celebratory work of the foibles of humanity. In this fiercely playful reworking of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, a group of old friends, ex-lovers, and estranged family gather over a weekend to grapple with life’s thorniest questions, each other and you. What could possibly go wrong? Heartfelt, but never sentimental; full of endless amazement and wonder; and always, always tipping toward more love, hope, passion and perseverance. Never has unhappiness been so much fun.

    “I’m head-over-heels in love with this play. We all know the pain of age or overwork or of desperately loving someone with whom you could never share a kiss. It aches and it sucks. But all that aching and sucking is what makes you feel alive, and the unfulfilled longing that you feel so deeply lets you know that your feelings run that deep.”
    —Alan Katz, DC Theatre Scene

    Recommended for ages 13 and up. Contains sexual themes and strong language.


    Thursday, July 6……….7PM     OPENING NIGHTPay What You Feel Night”          
    Friday, July 7……….8PM                                                   
    Saturday, July 8……….8PM    “Girls Night Out”
    Sunday, July 9……….7PM    “Backstage Tour/Post-Show Chat Back”     
    Monday, July 10……….7PM
    Wednesday, July 12……….7PM                           
    Thursday, July 13……….7PM               
    Friday, July 14……….8PM                           
    Saturday, July 15……….8PM               
    Sunday, July 16……….7PM     
    Tuesday, July 18……….7PM               
    Wednesday, July 19……….7PM


    Life Sucks is generously sponsored by Jeri L. Wolfson

    Company of Fools’ 22nd season sponsors are Anonymous, The Shubert Foundation, Carr Foundation, Linda & Bob Edwards, Ken Lewis, Scott Miley Roofing, Priscilla Pittiglio, Linda & Bill Potter, Mary Ann & John Underwood, Barbara & Stanley Zax and media sponsor The Weekly Sun



    Vanya……….Christopher Carwithen*
    Sonia……….Neysa Lozano
    Ella……….Cleo Gray
    Babs……….Denise Simone*
    The Professor……….Andrew Alburger
    Dr. Aster……….Joel Vilinsky
    Pickles……….Jana Arnold*


    Direction……….John Glenn and Ilana Becker
    Stage Management……….Anne Huston*
    Scenic Design……….Joe Lavigne
    Lighting Design……….Mike Inwood**
    Costume Design……….Maria Gerhardt
    Set Dressing, Props & Sound Design……….K.O. Ogilvie
    Wig Design……….Jenn Rush
    Scenic Painting……….Rich Rush and Dennis Rexroad
    Production Assistant……….Christine Leslie

    *Appears Courtesy of Actors Equity Association
    **United Scenic Artists


    $35 member / $40 nonmember / $35 senior (62 and over) / $15 student (with student ID) / $35 group (8 or more)

    *Ticket prices do not include taxes or processing fees.

    These ticket prices do not include the “Pay What You Feel” preview, 10 for $10, and Educator Night. There is also a SPECIAL GROUP RATE – groups of 8 or more receive $35 tickets (a $5 savings, per ticket, if you are not a Center member!)

    Click on the “Buy Tickets” link above to select individual performance dates and the number of seats you’d wish to purchase or call us 208.578.9122 – we’re happy to help!


    Learn, explore and have fun with Company of Fools. Take advantage of some interesting ways to engage with theatre and the current performance on a deeper level:

    “Pay What You Feel” Night – Thu, July 6, 7pm

    Join us for the first performance of Life Sucks and literally pay whatever you’d like! Tickets go on sale at the Liberty Theatre box office one hour prior to the performance. There are no reserved seats. Simply buy your ticket, find a seat and enjoy the show. If you’d prefer to reserve your seats, you may also purchase your tickets at full price for this performance.

    “Girls’ Night Out” – Sat, July 8, 8pm

    Going to the theatre has gotten even more fun! This performance offers a pre-show happy ½-hour with discounted wine, beer, and bubbly; deals at local partner restaurants; and a chance to win fabulous prizes.

    “Backstage Tour/Post-Show Chat Back” – Sun, July 9, 7pm (immediately following show)

    Immediately following the performance, stay for a thought-provoking and fun discussion with the artists of Life Sucks. And enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour of the design elements that went into creating the show with COF’s resident set designer Joe Lavigne.

    “10 for 10″

    Ten seats are sold for $10 each, on each night, at the box office starting one hour prior to the performance. Limit two tickets per person

    Click here for Theater FAQs