Student Classroom Enrichment Exhibition “Deepen the Discussion” May 30-June 1

    The Sun Valley Center for the Arts invites members of the community to a special event celebrating the opening of the 2018–2019 Classroom Enrichment Exhibition, Deepen the Discussion, on Thursday, May 30, from 4 to 7 p.m. Admission is free, and refreshments will be served. The visual arts exhibition, which explores how art deepened student learning throughout the year, will be on view at The Center’s museum through Saturday, June 1.

    The Deepen the Discussion exhibition showcases artwork created by students who participated in projects associated with The Center’s Classroom Enrichment program during the 2018–2019 school year. This innovative arts integration program brings professional museum educators and teaching artists into the schools to work with non-arts classroom teachers at the secondary level in developing a project and co-teaching an element of planned curriculum through a hands-on art project.

    Enrichment projects are offered annually to core subject teachers and 6th–12th grade students across the Blaine County School District. These projects provide students with new tools for interpretation and problem-solving; encourage three-dimensional learning, critical thinking and self-expression; and deepen student engagement with academic course material. Generously sponsored by Wendy and Alan Pesky, the program reaches 400–700 secondary students in their classrooms each year, including 740 students who participated in enrichment projects during the current school year.

    “This exhibition is the first time we’ve highlighted student artwork and the process involved in our Classroom Enrichment arts education program,” said Katelyn Foley, Director of Education and Humanities at The Center. “The program is now 6 years old, and it’s incredible to see how it has grown and can supply a year’s sample of the work being done. By showcasing student artwork, we hope to share with our community the power of arts integration on learning!”

    Jordyn Dooley, Art Enrichment Coordinator at The Center, expanded upon Foley’s comments. “This program provides students with a new platform for creatively engaging with classroom topics and expressing their understanding in a way unique to themselves,” she said. “The exhibition elevates the students’ hard work and celebrates it with the broader community.”

    The Deepen the Discussion visual arts exhibition will be on view at The Center in Ketchum on May 30 and 31 (9 a.m.–5 p.m.) and June 1 (noon–3 p.m.).