Past Exhibitions in Ketchum 2013

    Stories of a Changing China
    August 30 – November 29, 2013

    A BIG IDEA project of the Sun Valley Center for the Arts

    Stories-of-a-Changing-China-cover“China has changed more over the past 20 years than most countries did in in the entire 20th century,” according to art critic Barbara Pollack. Much of that change has been economic as China experiments with capitalism while maintaining its Communist political system. Business is booming in China, where Chinese companies are thriving and Western brands are finding new markets. With this economic shift, China has also seen great social and cultural change. Vast numbers of workers are leaving rural areas for opportunities in urban centers that are growing at a rapid rate. China’s landscape is literally changing to reflect the economic, social and cultural shifts the country has seen over the last two decades.

    This exhibition considers some of those changes through the lens of artwork made by both Chinese and Western artists. Using photography, sculpture, painting and installation, artists comment on the invasion of Western brands into China’s marketplace, the growth of manufacturing, the effects of China’s development on its landscape and cultural collisions between East and West.

    The exhibition is part of a larger multidisciplinary project and the first Sun Valley Center Symposium, an opportunity for curious learners to explore the political, economic and cultural realities of one of the most dynamic countries in the world.

    Photo Gallery

    Exhibition Video

    Visual Arts Events

    Gallery Walks, FREE at The Center, Ketchum

    • Friday, August 30, 5-7 pm *Stories of a Changing China opening! Artist Ying Zhu will be present and speak about her installation project at 6 pm.*
    • Friday, October 11, 5-7 pm
    • Friday, November 29, 5-7 pm

    Start your Gallery Walk at The Center!

    Evening Exhibition Tours, FREE at The Center, Ketchum

    • Thursday, September 5, 5:30 pm
    • Thursday, October 24, 5:30 pm
    • Thursday, November 21, 5:30 pm

    Enjoy a glass of wine as you tour the exhibition with The Center’s curators and gallery guides. Favor de llamar al Centro de las Artes parta arreglar visitas guiadas en español.