Gallery Walk

    In association with member galleries of the Sun Valley Gallery Association, The Center participates in gallery walks scheduled throughout the year in Ketchum. These events give visitors and local residents the opportunity to view new exhibitions of painting, photography, glass, sculpture, video and installation art.

    Although Sun Valley is renowned as both a summer and winter recreation destination, the vibrant visual arts scene anchored by members of the Gallery Association has become another reason to visit or live in this community.

    For each gallery walk, the Sun Valley Center for the Arts museum will reamine open from 5pm until 7pm.


    Friday, February 15
    Friday, March 8
    Friday, July 5
    Friday, August 2
    Friday, August 30
    Friday, November 29 “Giving Walk”, 4-6 pm (special hours)
    Friday, December 27


    Friday, February 14
    Friday, March 20
    Friday, July 10
    Friday, August 7
    Friday, September 4
    Tuesday, December 29