Performing Arts, Lectures, and Theatre Volunteer Opportunities

    Merchandise and/or Concessions – Help sell merchandise and/or concessions at concerts. Volunteers will be situated inside the gates but must remain at the table to ensure the security of the cash and inventory.

    Ticket Taker/Ushers – Take tickets from patrons and direct ticket holders to seats or the lawn depending on the venue. This job entails remaining at the gate or doors until after the event begins.

    Will Call – Distribute tickets to those whose tickets are in will call. This job entails remaining at the gate or doors until after the event starts.

    If you are a volunteer staying to see the lecture/show we ask that you stay 5‐10 minutes after the performance to help us pickup any programs, glasses, etc. left in the venue. If you are working concessions we ask that you stay through intermission in order to cover concessions during that time. Those working concessions are free to stay or you may leave after intermission. At outdoor events, help make sure the venue is returned to its original condition by making sure all the trash is off the lawn.