The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

    The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

    December 12 – 30, 2018
    Liberty Theatre, Hailey

    Adapted by Dwayne Hartford from the book by Kate DiCamillo
    Directed by Natalie Battistone

      Study Guide

    Are there any wrong turns in the quest for love?

    Edward Tulane is an expensive toy rabbit made of china, beloved by a girl named Abilene. But couldn’t care less—he’s vain and self-centered. When Edward is accidentally thrown overboard on an ocean voyage, he begins a miraculous journey, but he can’t move or speak—he’s a toy rabbit! Edward meets an elderly grieving couple who find comfort in Edward’s presence, a hobo and his dog, a farmer in need of a scarecrow, a sad little boy and his very ill sister, and finally a doll mender and an old doll who teach him an invaluable lesson—what it is to love, what it is to lose that love, and how to find the courage to love again. For audiences of all ages. 

    “Beware: You might just fall in love with that elegant, somewhat self-satisfied white porcelain rabbit by the name of Edward Tulane.”
    —Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times

      “This wonderful story is about the transformative power of love.”
    Chicago Critic

    “Fully captures the imagination of adults and children alike, sweeping them away on this unforgettable epic journey that is, at times, heartbreaking and—ultimately—incredibly fulfilling.”
    The Column

    “It is a poignant and gentle reflection of the heartache we all go through when we are inevitably overtaken by grief, and the beauty of the journey in finding our way back to love.”


    Arrow R. Storage, Big Wood Landscape, Linda and Bob Edwards, Ginny and Peter Foreman, Carol and Len Harlig, Dan and Jodie Hunt and the Roy A. Hunt Foundation, Marcia and Don Liebich, Kenneth Lewis, Mathieu, Ranum & Allaire, PLLC, Jane Rosen and Scott Miley—Scott Miley Roofing, Carol P. Nie, Priscilla Pittiglio, The Shubert Foundation, Richard Smooke and Family in loving memory of Judith Smooke, Mary Ann and John Underwood, Maryanne and Jerry Whitcomb, Jeri L. Wolfson in support of The Center’s BIG IDEA project We the People: Protest and Patriotism, Barbara and Stanley Zax, and Media sponsor The Weekly Sun

    The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane sponsor:

    Marcia and Don Liebich


    Wed, Dec 12…..7pm       Pay What You Feel Night
    Thu, Dec 13…..7pm       Second Night 23 ($23 tickets)
    Fri, Dec 14…..7pm       Educator Night/Chat Back
    Sat, Dec 15…..7pm                                                                     
    Tue, Dec 18…..7pm              
    Wed, Dec 19…..7pm            
    Thu, Dec 20…..7pm              
    Fri, Dec 21…..7pm                
    Sat, Dec 22…..7pm               
    Wed, Dec 26…..7pm            
    Thu, Dec 27…..7pm              
    Fri, Dec 28…..7pm                
    Sat, Dec 29…..7pm               
    Sun, Dec 30…..3pm       Matinee


    $35 member / $40 nonmember / $35 senior (62 and over) / $15 student (with student ID) / $35 group (8 or more) / Second Night 23  All tickets $23 Full Price

    *Ticket prices do not include taxes or processing fees.

    These ticket prices do not include the “Pay What You Feel” preview, 10 for $10, and Educator Night. There is also a SPECIAL GROUP RATE – groups of 8 or more receive $35 tickets (a $5 savings, per ticket, if you are not a Center member!)

    Click on the “Buy Tickets” link above to select individual performance dates and the number of seats you’d wish to purchase or call us 208.578.9122 – we’re happy to help!


    Learn, explore and have fun with Company of Fools. Take advantage of some interesting ways to engage with theatre and the current performance on a deeper level:

    Pay What You Feel Night – Wed, Dec 12, 7pm

    Join us for the first performance of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and literally pay whatever you’d like! Tickets go on sale at the Liberty Theatre box office one hour prior to the performance. There are no reserved seats. Simply buy your ticket, find a seat and enjoy the show. If you’d prefer to reserve your seats, you may also purchase your tickets at full price for this performance.

    Second Night 23 (All tickets $23): in honor of the 23rd season – Thu, Dec 13, 7pm

    For the second night of every mainstage production all tickets are $23 dollars – in honor of the 23rd season!

    Educators Night/Post-Show Chat Back – Fri, Dec 14, 8pm

    $15 tickets are available to currently employed educators and school administrators for this designated night. These tickets may be purchased in advance. Limit two per person.

    10 for $10

    Ten seats are sold for $10 each, on each night, at the box office starting one hour prior to the performance. Limit two tickets per person.

    Click here for Theater FAQs